Tune in, log on and have a good look

I had an amazing opportunity today to help shape a social media analysis tool that is in development. It was a huge honour to represent not only my current employers but UK policing. Law enforcement from three countries were taking part and trying to provide an insight as social media users. There were representatives from Spain, Romania and the UK.

The discussion on using social media before, during and after an emergency was similar in many ways between the countries. Once again though I was surprised about activity that can’t be undertaken in parts of the EU but can in the UK. But we all wanted to achieve the same thing protect life and keep people safe as well as ensuring a swift return to normal after the incident or event.

I was able to share some of our learning and experiences that shape how social media is used on a daily basis. My lack of technical know how also helped as I was able to ask the stupid questions. I could make things simple for me to clearly understand who I think will benefit the work.

The other thing that was noticeable from a room full of 14 people I was the only woman. It didn’t worry me but it did emphasis how important it is to have more women in computers and within the technology world. It is more beneficial to have women involved as they bring a different perspective and new computer systems need a balance in who is involved.

In any case I did my best to speak up with a different viewpoint and to identify the benefits that law enforcement could gain from the system. After that I had to pinch myself thinking that I was doing this meeting in Rome. I am proud to have had the chance and hopefully will be able to bring some benefits to policing in the UK.

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