The little things

I made it to Rome and once I had landed and found my way to the hotel, which is a delightfully odd place, I decided to go exploring. The place that attracted me was the Colosseo (colosseum) and it didn’t disappoint. It was vast and bigger than I could comprehend as I walked around it and a whole range of other historic sites.

It is sometimes the little things that mean more and have a stronger connection with me. The colosseum was amazing but when I found a gate hidden away that was covered in locks it was more intriguing. Each lock had two names inscribed on then, just like when people would carve it into a tree trunk. Each lock caught the sun and it was a little thing with a big meaning.

Many times we are so busy looking at the big things that we don’t see the beauty that is around us and hidden away. I enjoyed spending half an hour watching the mounted guard tack up the horses for patrol. A little thing but incredible to watch as they fixed the sword onto the saddle.

In the modern age we can capture these moments and share them instantly, and for someone travelling alone this can make you feel less lonely. It is never as much fun when you go wow but there is no-one to share the moment. I love being able to share my experiences with family and friends through social media and apps including What’s App, which my mum loves.

One thing I don’t relish seeing is the amount of people taking selfies at these historic sites. They turn their back and then pose for the camera and there were thousands of people at it today, or so it seemed. Clearly they are more important than the centuries old monument that they are gurning in front of. It is such a waste of a fabulous experience. I will stay firmly looking at both the large and little things in front of me.

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